American Israel Gap Year Association - Find Your Right Direction

Phyllis Folb is the Founder/Executive Director of the American Israel Gap Year Association which specializes in making the breadth of Israel Gap Year opportunities known and relevant to students across the denominational spectrum. Folb has previously published articles in the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Journal, where she was a recipient of the Journal’s “Mensch” honor. She became a college counselor for teens after thirty years working in public relations for entertainment and non-profits, specializing in arts, education, and Jewish organizations. She is a sought after guest for TV, radio, and print.

"Should be required reading for Jewish high school students, parents and counselors.
It is a comprehensive, and relatable guide written by a seasoned expert in this field."
- Laura Miller, Director of College Counseling

The Israel Gap Year Guide
“My mission in life is to inspire students to take advantage of this extraordinary life-changing opportunity. I hope that this book and all the resources on our website will help you find your right direction on a Gap Year in Israel.”
“Wishing you a journey that propels you to new heights and provides you with insight, clarity, connection and excitement as you go forward.”
Phyllis Folb


It has been Phyllis’ mission to make the Israel Gap Year a crucial part of the post-secondary experience where students develop resilience, independence, and a deeper understanding of their Jewish identity and connection to Israel. Counseling teens who are considering an Israel Gap Year is an important and meaningful process requiring empathy, guidance, and understanding. The focus is on supporting them in making informed decisions about how to best utilize their time and navigate the potential challenges they may encounter.

Phyllis Folb is a sought after speaker at conferences, moderator and panelist on webinars and guest on TV, radio, social media and traditional print media.
A successful speaker not only imparts knowledge and information but also motivates and empowers individuals to take action and make positive changes. Phyllis has motivated hundreds of kids and inspired educators and organizations about the importance
of the Israel Gap Year.

Establishing a strong foundation for collaboration Phyllis will partner with clients on projects, working closely with them to understand their needs, challenges, and goals. She gathers insights from various stakeholders within the organization, including leadership, employees, and customers. This collaborative approach allows her to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization's culture, operations, and unique dynamics. Phyllis brings her own expertise:
• Fresh perspectives to the table
• Facilitating brainstorming sessions
• Problem-solving exercises
• Strategic planning

Community events, such as Gap Year events, parent/school presentations, even organizational luncheons, are intricate and rewarding endeavors that bring people together, foster connections, and cultivates a sense of belonging.
Phyllis takes pride in the meticulous planning, coordination, and creativity to craft experiences that resonate with diverse audiences.

Workshops can be developed for presentations at schools, parent groups, and organizations.
Sample Topics:
How Does the Gap-Year Support Academic Success?
Why is the Gap-Year in Israel Necessary for the Day School Graduate?
What are the LifeSkills Necessary for a fulfilling Gap-Year?
Transitioning from the Israel Gap-Year to Home, College, Work-What are the Steps for Success?
Security- How Do I Know My Child Will Be Safe? Faith vs. Action.
What are the Funding Opportunities for the Gap-Year in Israel?
What You Should Know About Our Program -
Presentations by Gap-Year Representatives.
Where do I want to go?
Find your right direction on a Gap Year in Israel!